Sunday, 11 March 2012

What I Wore: 40

Wowzers, long time no speak. I swear one of these days I will get back to regular posting...How has everyone been? Good I hope, how the hell is it nearly the middle of March already?! You may notice that my hair is slightly blonder, I'm making it a gradual process, just incase I change my mind and hate it a few months later, which knowing me is very likely to happen! 

Last night was a friends birthday, we went to the cutest little tapas restaurant, the food was absolutely delish, though I was struggling to move after because I ate far top much! Today I have been doing the usual Sunday relaxation, a walk on the beach this morning, then a bit of film watching this afternoon. Why oh why is it Monday again tomorrow? How did the weekend fly by so fast?!

What have you all been up to this weekend?